In a heartwarming gesture marking auspicious occasion of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s birth anniversary and National Children’s Day, Kishoreganj District Student’s League extended a helping hand to underprivileged by distributing Iftar meals.
Amidst vibrant atmosphere of Kishoreganj, Md. Anwar Hossain Mulla (Sumon), President of Kishoreganj District Student’s League, and General Secretary Fayez Oman Khan led initiative, spreading smiles and nourishment in front of Kishoreganj District Awami League office on Sunday, March 17.
Reflecting on significance of occasion, President Md. Anwar Hossain Mulla (Sumon) shared with Kishoreganj Post, “On 104th birthday anniversary of Father of Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, our District Student’s League continues its tradition of serving Iftar to needy and vulnerable. It’s a gesture of compassion and solidarity that we proudly uphold every Ramadan.”
Joining hands in this noble endeavor were esteemed figures including Wali Ullah Sharik, Munna, former Secretary of Agriculture, Mozahidur Rahman Robin, Ashhadur Rahman Sadi of District Student’s League, Kishoreganj Student’s League Municipal Branch President Mehedi Hasan Shanto, municipal branch organizer Riyad, and other dedicated volunteers.
This heartfelt initiative not only provides sustenance but also embodies spirit of unity and generosity that lies at heart of Bangabandhu’s vision for a compassionate society. As the aroma of delicious Iftar meals fills air, it serves as a reminder of enduring legacy of love and kindness that continues to thrive in hearts of people of Kishoreganj.
In spirit of Bangabandhu’s teachings, Kishoreganj District Student’s League’s gesture of goodwill shines brightly, illuminating path towards a brighter, more inclusive future for all.